Monday, February 25, 2013

You are more.................

As Terry and I sit here and drink our morning coffee on my DAY OFF!! (I may be a little excited by that).  I am sad as I read through the posts from young people on facebook.  The world we live in today can be cruel.  It has always been cruel and mean, but now everything is at the tip of our fingers and we can not control what our kids are exposed too and what they have to face in life like my parents could.  I do not like a lot of the things that are going on in this world, quite frankly it scares me.  It is our job to raise our children to be confident in a world that is always telling them they are not smart enough, pretty enough, good enough,  rich enough.  When is enough, enough?

Anyone who has taken the time to really get to know me knows that even though I am a little outspoken, OK very outspoken, it comes from being passionate about the things that are important to me in life.  My faith, my family and my job.  To that end I know at times that makes me come off as a little bitchy but I am who I am. I purposely don't like to go bat shit crazy about my passions, but hey, it happens and most of you have seen it and for that I am sorry.  But seriously, what I want to talk about today is the need to let our kids know that they are worth more than the world is telling them they are and people, it takes a village.

This morning I was brought to tears by a video that one of my son's friends had put on facebook.  It was real, it was painful, it was what this child deals with every day and it made me passionate to kick some bully butt (did I tell you on the side I am a crazy super hero? Mighty Mom,  my kids love and hate her, just saying).  The video also could have been posted by at least three of my children if not all seven.  So what are we as parents to do about it?  Well, I want you all to know you are not alone.  We need to let our kids know how important they are to us every day and this particular child's parents do just that.  As adults we need to encourage our children as well as others we see that are hurting.  We need to make sure they know they can talk to someone who cares, who isn't going to judge.  We need to let them know God loves them too and even if they do not know him that they can and that he is there for them.

So as always, I have got on my soap box and more than likely lost most of your attention by now, it is a big rant for a Monday.  If any of you as children or parents are in this situation right now, you are not alone.  Others are there, I have been there, if you need someone to vent to call me.  I am posting a video that I just love, it is be Tenth Avenue North and it is an awesome song that I think everyone needs to hear.  Have a great day and God Bless.

You Are More


Well, I started this blog to vent my thoughts and give a glimpse of the craziness that is my life so others who are going through it know that they are not alone, but as always, time is not my friend and I have let my blog get a little dusty.  My niece started a new blog and it reminded me of my poor neglected page so here I am.  I am not promising much, well this week I have four days off from work so this week I will get something done.  However, the mood normally strikes me in the middle of the night..............therefor, I am not promising much.